Friday, August 30, 2013

Our first week!

Here are some fun pictures of us both in centers and at recess during our first week of kindergarten! :)

Nivelle, Anna Claire and Caitlyn in marbles.

Margo and Mileigh in art.

Jesse and Caden putting a puzzle together.

Annelise and Lila Grace reading.

Kyla, Ford, James and Johnson at the activity table.

Ryan and Jayden in math.

John and Emma Sue building blocks.

Caden and Jesse

Ford, Johnson and Kyla at marbles.

Emma Sue and John at art.

Diya, Lucas and Kaili at puzzles.

Jayden and Ryan reading.

Mileigh and Margo at math!

Anna Claire, Caitlyn and Nivelle building blocks.

Annelise and Lila Grace painting a picture.

Caden playing trains.

Recess our FIRST day!

Have a wonderful Friday! :)
With my best,
Meaghan Kimbrell

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Welcome to Mrs. Kimbrell's Classroom BLOG!  This is going to be where I post all of our fun adventures that happen in the classroom!  I hope you will become a follower and sign up for email updates! :)

Have a wonderful week!
With my best,
Meaghan Kimbrell