We had an exciting Valentine's week!
Take a look...
We began the week with a death of a class pet! :( It was AWFUL and I was so worried about how many of our friends would take the news.
The sweet and precious Taylor family came to our rescue with a NEW friend. We named her Elsa (it was voted on, even the boys loved it because Elsa went well with Olaf)!
She is so tiny and SO fast!
We can't get enough of her!
Thank you again Taylor family!!!!
We worked on several Valentine experiments and activities...
First, was a sweetheart candy graph.
Aikam and Mileigh
Billy and Jayden
Brody and Miles
Next, we experimented to what would happen to those sweetheart candies when we put them in water, sprite and vinegar!
Will they sink or float?
Macy sniffing the cups!
Aikam did NOT like the vinegar smell.
Braden wanted to drink the Sprite!
We also spent the week delivering our Valentines to each others' mail boxes!
Once they were finished, they had to sign their name! :)
Our last activity was to guesstimate how many hearts would fit inside the heart on the paper.
Each child made a prediction.
Then Beth Ann and David tested our predictions to find the answer!
I hope you enjoyed your magnet from your child!
And I hope your child enjoyed their "colorful" Valentine!