Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Happy Birthday Bryn!

Happy Birthday Bryn!  We hope your day was SUPER special!

Apple Fun...

Baking apple pies!
We had so much fun making our very own baby apple pies (don't tell them they are really apple turnovers!)!
Take a picture walk with me...
Apple Pie Filling
White and Brown Sugar

Step 1:
Flatten out the biscuit into a giant circle.

Step 2:  Scoop apple pie filling into the middle of our pie.

Step 3:  Fold over the biscuit and press the edges together with a fork.

Step 4:  Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon.

Step 5:  Bake (following can of biscuit instructions).

Step 6:  Enjoy!

Sorry our chart is sideways!   Those friends in the middle only liked the crusts of their pie! :)

We also tasted apple juice and apple cider!

We voted on our favorite!  

During our Apple Fun week we created an Apple Tens Book!
The children had to look at the number and using a stamper make that many "apples" on the page!

Our last apple activity was making homemade applesauce!  Our recipe we followed said cook on high for 4 hours...6 1/2 hours into our applesauce (at the end of the day), it was still not ready!  I had to bring it home, finish cooking, mash and I plan to take it for taste testing tomorrow!  :)

With My Best,

Monday, September 21, 2015

September 18th Newsletter


Hi parents!  I'm sure you've been hearing we've been doing some pretty funny songs in our classroom!  There is a website called "Go Noodle."  I originally found it last year while looking for indoor recess activities.  It is a collection of physical activities (Zumba, yoga, etc.) as well as dance songs, brain breaks, etc.  Every day after lunch, our cleanup song is "Happy."  Each time we do a song, we earn points, which makes our "monster" grow.  The kids love it...it's also a great incentive for them as well!

I hope you will take a minute, go on and sign up for a home account (it is FREE) and have fun!
They just added "The Nae Nae" song and you can imagine how many times we BEG for it!  LOL!


With my best,

Monday, September 14, 2015

Happy Birthday Caden!

Today we celebrated Caden's birthday!
Happy Birthday Caden!

3D Shape Song!

Hi parents!  I promised in our newsletter that I'd share the 3D Shape Song on the blog!  Here is the link...

Happy singing! :)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

September 11, 2015 Newsletter & Reminders

Hi parents!  Please be mindful of all that is happening this week!

  • Tuesday, 5:30-7:00: Explore Our Specials Night!  Let me keep your kiddos while you travel through P.E., Art, Music, Library, Counseling and Computer Lab to learn all about what happens during our daily "Specials" time!
  • Thursday:  Fall Picture Day (this picture will be in our yearbook)!
  • Friday:  Talk/Dress Like a Pirate Day to kick off our AR reading program!  Please help your child dress like a pirate!

Have a wonderful week!
With my best,

Friday, September 11, 2015

Shape Party!

We have had a wonderful time these past two weeks learning all about 2D and 3D shapes!  Today, we ended our study with a shape party!  Now, it wasn't a "PARTY" as you would normally think!  LOL!  We had small groups where we discussed each shape/food and ate the snack!  Thank you to all who sent in items for our party, we could NOT do it without YOU! :)
Here are a few pictures...
This was just a SMALL portion of our shape snacks that I could fit in a picture! :)




(so sorry, the pictures wouldn't rotate)

Ella and Tanner

Brian and Nellie

Reynaldo and Virginia

Bryn and Lucy

Kallissa and Presleigh

Andrue and Ansley

Caden and Vincent


We drew a picture of each snack for our math journal!

Thanks again for your help in making this activity possible!
Have a great weekend!
With my best,