Thursday, October 1, 2015

Applesauce and Mrs. Linda!

 We began our week by making applesauce and a visit from Mrs. Linda!
This week, she taught us about love, compassion and generosity by reading about the life of Johnny Appleseed!

I get so into her lessons myself, I forgot to take pictures!  She even brought a pot for her head, just like Johnny Appleseed!!!!  Priceless!

We peeled, cored and cut 14 apples (thanks to our fantastic CNP program for donating them)!

We added a little bit of regular sugar, brown sugar, and a lot of cinnamon! :)
I cooked it on high in the crockpot for 9 hours!!!!  OH MY!  It was supposed to take 4!  I guess our apple pieces were larger than the recipes!?


Ansley and Tanner


It was nice and brown from the cinnamon.  I thought that might deter our friends, however it was a big hit and they begged for more! :)


Caden (it looks like he didn't like it) and Virginia


Sorry for the blurriness
Jakarii and Bryn



I am sad our apple adventures are over.  But I am excited about our pumpkin adventures and science experiments coming up soon!

With my best,

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