Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A miscellaneous post! :)

I'm combining a few things in this post!  But first, I must apologize for some of the pictures not turned the correct way!  On my Mac, it isn't an easy task.  On a PC, you can right click and modify direction.  However, on a Mac, you must open each individual picture, rotate it, save it and then insert it.  Due to time, it is difficult!  I apologize! :)

Here we are working on Daily 5.  Some kids are writing, some kids are reading!

Pajama Day!  You must take a pic on pajama day!

We received our latest grant--exercise balls for small group instruction.

The 3rd Nine Weeks' AR Celebration was a HIT!  Samford the Tiger came by for a visit!
Remember last time we were the only kindergarten class to all meet their goal...our kiddos helped inspire TWO more kinder classes to meet their goal!  That brings the school total to 4!!!!!!!  I cannot wait to see this last nine weeks' report!

Sorry, I had to keep Grayson in there! :)

Mrs. Snyder announcing those who met their goal!

These friends SURPASSED their goal and kept on reading and testing! :)

This past Monday, Mrs. Linda came to read to us.  We acted out the story of Peter Rabbit!

Tanner was Peter Rabbit
Presleigh was the white cat

Jakarii was Mr. McGregor
Caden was a mouse

Tre, Reynaldo, Kallissa were
Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail
Ansley was the mama rabbit

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