Thursday, September 28, 2017

Daily 5

Daily 5

This year your child will get to participate in Daily 5 Activities.  Every day after we share a story and write about it in our journals, the kids can choose their "Daily 5" activity!

We have:
Read to Self (with book buckets)
Word Work
Listen to Reading

Later in the year we will add:
Work on Writing
Read to Someone

We started our Daily 5 adventure by talking about building our stamina.  Our goal was to make it to 15 minutes of quiet reading time in order for us to earn the next Daily 5 component.

We watched a video of Franklin Rides a Bike that taught us to keep trying even when it doesn't work the first time.

We've learned there are 3 ways to read a book:
We talk about how each person is at a different stage.  If you aren't ready to read the words you can definitely read the pictures or retell the story (if it's a familiar one).

Here are our Word Work Tubs.  They are part of our Morning Exploration Tubs but specifically have literacy activities in them!  I put a star on the tubs they can use during Daily 5 time.
These are the morning exploration tubs (a post for that coming soon)!

The tubs with stars are the ones we can choose for Daily 5.

Here are a few examples.
Matching upper/lowercase letters.

Building sight words.

Working on fine motor, letter ID and play-doh.
Sorry the picture is upside down!

Using a magnifying glass to find letters and sight words that are hidden on the picture.
Sorry the picture is upside down!

When we start each component of Daily 5, we make a T-chart with what the kids should be doing and what I will be doing.
I will be pulling small groups to work on reading, phonics and phonemic awareness activities!

Finally, here is the video I shared via email!  I hope you like seeing our mornings!!!

Since we've met our goal of 15 minutes of stamina (we actually made it to 18!!!) we had a POPSICLE PARTY!!!!!!!!!

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