Saturday, January 25, 2014

A few more things from our week...

Along with our 100th day of school activities, we did a few more things this week that I was fortunate enough to snap a picture of...

We started our week off working with our 3rd nine week's sight words.  We added them to the read the room center and we did a stamp and write activity!

Anna Claire and Diya




Caden and Caitlyn

In honor of Bus Driver Appreciation coming up next week, we made thank you cards and a banner!
Minha is painting blue polka dots!

Diya is painting red polka dots!

They worked so hard! :)

In honor of MLK Jr. day on Monday, we read several books about his life and work!
Happy Birthday Martin Luther King

My First Biography: Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin's BIG Words

We ended our week with an egg experiment.  We took one white egg and one brown egg and discussed how they are similar and different.  
We came to the conclusion that the main difference is how they look on the outside.  We then made predictions on what they would look like on the inside.  Half of the class thought they would look different on the inside, and the other half thought they'd look the same.

When we cracked them open, we found out that they are EXACTLY the same on the inside!  We talked about how this is true of people too!  No matter what color we are, what we look like, we are all the SAME on the inside.  We should always be respectful and kind to everyone!

Last, but not least, during our penguin theme, we voted on which type of penguin we would like to construct!  

The EMPEROR penguin was the winner!  

We even signed up for construction jobs to make our penguin!
The DESIGN CREW will be responsible for creating the plan on how we will create our penguin, what materials, how big, etc.!
The TEAR & STUFF CREW will tear up strips of paper and stuff/staple our penguin together.
The PAINTING CREW will paint!
The HABITAT CREW will be responsible of constructing the penguin's habitat surroundings (ice, snow, etc.)
And the WRITING CREW will be responsible for writing facts/signs to hang with our display!

Also, we found the BEST penguin web cam!  We've been watching it throughout the day this week and I hope you've had a chance to visit.  Just in case you haven't, here is the link again! :)

I'm sure you know by now, after 100 days together, every time it is a short week, I seem to pack in the fun! :)
With my best,

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