This week, we've been working so hard, Mrs. Kimbrell forgot to take a lot of pictures! :)
We began by receiving a class treat: A HAMSTER! This sweet little girl has been at my house since Christmas, I thought when we got back from Christmas, we could begin earning a letter for each time the class (as a whole) was making good choices. We earned H A M S T E R and on Monday, she came to our classroom!
The kids are LOVING having her in our science center! We even voted on her name. Brace yourself....
The winner was...
They didn't even mind Olaf being a boy name, it won by a landslide! :)
The real Olaf likes warm hugs...however our Olaf does not! She is a bit of a sassy little thing, and the kids know that our NUMBER 1 rule is to NOT touch the cage, or stick your friend inside...she will nip at you!
While taking Macy's picture painting our sloth, I wanted to show our 100 gumball machines and "when I'm 100 years old" art projects hanging! :)
Here are the girls waiting in line to vote for our hamster's name. The choices were "Olaf, Lizzy and Cutie."
The boys!
We are now in phase 4 of our sloth construction: ALGAE application!
Beth Ann measuring/cutting out green yarn to glue on our sloth for the algae.
David is cutting yarn as well!
We painted glue on, and laid the yarn on top.
They are SUPER camouflaged! :)