Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Gingerbread Fun!

The first week of December, we spent our Shared Reading time reading all of the different versions of The Gingerbread Boy!  
We played a new math game: "Roll the Gingerbread Man!"

We also made a gingerbread boy/girl glyph!

Braden and Jacob

Jessie and Cayden

Didn't they turn out cute?

Righley and Brody

Kristen and Aikam

Beth Ann


They are hanging in our room above our Science center!

We also tasted gingerbread men and graphed which part of him we ate first!

Last, but not least, we did some Science with gingerbread!   What would happen to a REAL gingerbread boy if he fell in the water....

He dissolves! :*(

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